
Industry Insights & Opportunities:
Recent technological advancements in Extended Reality (XR) and Artificial Intelligence (AI) are profoundly shaping learning processes and skill acquisition across various domains. XR applications have expanded into training, therapy, education, and entertainment. With the European Commission projecting the XR market to reach 800 billion euros by 2025, the demand for skilled professionals is skyrocketing, with an expected need for 860,000 employees in Europe. The strategy focuses on key areas such as health, industry, education, green initiatives, and art & design.

Educational Excellence in GRACE:
Embarking on the GRACE Joint Master Programme offers a gateway to pioneering possibilities in the burgeoning fields of XR and gamification. Our curriculum aligns with the European Higher Education Area’s qualifications framework, preparing graduates with specialized knowledge at the forefront of XR technologies.

A Comprehensive Academic Journey:
The GRACE programme is a meticulously structured four-semester journey, culminating in 120 ECTS credits. Designed to address the complexities and unpredictabilities of modern professional environments, it equips graduates with advanced knowledge, specialized problem-solving skills, and the autonomy to innovate and strategize effectively.

Blending Theory with Practical Expertise:
Professionally, the GRACE curriculum merges theoretical knowledge with hands-on expertise. It emphasizes the application of new technologies to develop solutions that meet customer needs and societal demands, including XR-Gamification applications that enhance learning, training, maintenance, and therapeutic interventions.

Expertise Development:
Methodologically, students become adept in using technical and scientific methods for the design and development of AR, VR, and mobile applications. They also learn to critically evaluate the effectiveness of XR-based gamification applications and present their findings in respected scientific fora.

Building Professional Networks:
Social skills are a cornerstone of the GRACE experience. Students master the art of collaboration and network building with professionals and researchers, enhancing their educational journey and broadening their career opportunities post-graduation.

Fostering Personal Growth:
The program also cultivates personal competencies, nurturing an innovative mindset and entrepreneurial spirit. This empowerment enables graduates to pursue diverse career paths, including ventures that focus on sustainability and societal well-being.

Career Transformation Through GRACE:
In summary, the GRACE programme serves as a conduit for career transformation, blending technological acumen with the creativity of gamification and a commitment to sustainability. Graduates like Kim, Jamie, and Morgan are equipped to navigate and excel in the dynamic landscapes of their respective fields, ready to lead and innovate.